


You’re a smart woman.

You know something is off.

You think it’s related to your hormones, but you’re not sure, and you don’t know where to start.

Maybe you’re tired all the time, your moods are up and down, or you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in months. Perhaps you’re gaining weight no matter what you eat, your periods are changing, or you’re starting to get hot flashes. Maybe you’re ready to get off birth control, your skin is breaking out, or you’re having trouble getting pregnant.

You want to know what is happening in your body.

More importantly, you want to understand why it is happening because the truth is that you haven’t felt good for a while.

You’ve been ignoring your needs for too long and you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and disconnected.

And that no longer works for you.

You’re ready to look at the areas in your body and life that need your attention. You’re ready to make new choices so you can feel healthy and strong. You’re ready to release old ways of being so you can feel more balanced and aligned, and you’re ready to take action. 

The Natural Hormone Balance Program

Holistic Health & Hormone Evaluation

I will listen to your story and ask detailed questions about your health, hormones, and lifestyle. 

Then I will put the pieces together like a puzzle to help you identify the root cause of your symptoms. 


Functional Lab Testing

I will order comprehensive lab testing to identify any imbalances in your body and hormones.

Then I’ll evaluate your labs to look for changes in the function of your body that may not show up on a standard lab analysis.

Customized Natural Medicine

I will create a customized natural medicine protocol to help you restore balance to your body, your hormones, and your life.

Your protocol may include a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbal medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle changes. I also offer bio-identical hormones for qualified women.

The Program Includes:

4 Virtual Office Visits

Comprehensive Hormone Testing

Personalized Nutrition & Lifestyle Plan

Customized Natural Medicine Protocol

Health & Wellness Coaching

Email Support

* Please note: You must be physically located in California during the time of your visit in order to receive medical care from me.

What Women Are Saying

Dr. Kelly Han is an incredible healer and wonderful person.  I’ve been seeing her over the past ~18 mo for post menopause issues and she’s totally changed my life.  No more hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, etc… I feel like my old self again.  She is extremely knowledgeable and prescribes a very personal plan to address your specific needs.  I highly recommend her.


Dr.Han is wonderful! She has such a calming and understanding demeanor. She has helped me maximize my health by getting to the bottom of my imbalances and treating me with multiple herbal remedies. Sometimes you just know something is off and conventional doctors will just treat symptoms separately but Dr.Han took a look at the whole picture and connected the dots. She was a pleasure to work with and I would highly recommend her.


Dr. Han took a thoughtful and individual approach to my situation and she REALLY listened to me. She ordered blood and hormone tests, made some modifications to my diet, prescribed some supplements and after 4 weeks, I lost 8 pounds. Wow! Four weeks later I’ve lost another 4 pounds and I sleep soundly, I’ve given up my addiction to coffee, no migraines at all, I’m down to only a few mild hot flashes a day and my overall mood is so much calmer and nicer.


My goal was simple: re-balance my hormones so I could feel like “me” again. It started with baseline testing and from there we created a plan of action. Continuous testing along the way ensured we were on the right track and allowed us to fine-tune the treatment. I now feel like my old self and am thrilled this was accomplished without pharmaceuticals. As a result of this process, I’m more educated about my body & the vital role hormones play. I am able to identify when I’m out of balance and the always responsive Dr. Kelly Han is there with guidance and support.


You deserve to feel good. 

You deserve to take care of yourself.

You deserve to make time and space for yourself. 

You deserve to listen to your needs.

You deserve to make yourself a priority. 

* Please note: You must be physically located in California during the time of your visit in order to receive medical care from me.